Best of Bewl 4

Best of Bewl

Best place to see the views

With the help of the British weather and the time of day, Bewl Water offers a different view every day. One of our favourite view spots is from Ferry Point. It offers a great View of the Bistro and the main visitor area whilst reminding visitors of the expanse of both land and water!

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Best picnic spot

At around two miles anti clockwise from the main car park, just after the first jetty, is Stone Bay. From here, you can see the towers and the fishing boats on the water whilst feeling like you’re a million miles away!

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Best time of day to visit

Of course, Bewl Water is beautiful at any time of day but our favourites have to be a crisp winter morning with the frost on the trees, the summer sunsets late into the evening and looking out at the stars against the blackness of the night sky after a meal in the Boat House Bistro; just beautiful.

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The perfect Bewl Day Out

Bewl water was made for Sundays!

Begin your day at the Waterfront Café with a coffee and a slice of home-made cake before taking a boat out on the water for a half an hour’s rowing experience.

Next, jump on the Bewl Belle for a relaxing trip around the water; the first sail leaves at 12pm, which is a great time as it seems to be slightly quieter and you’ll get to view the sailing races up close.

Leave the Boat at Hatheralls Jetty and work up an appetite with a comfortable 1.75 mile walk to the Boat House Bistro, where you will have one of the best roast you have ever had!

Watch the day go by whilst sitting on the balcony, looking out at the sun on the water and the fishermen showing off their catches of the day!

Best of Bewl 4

Find out more about Bewl Water’s attractions here!